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  •     Kebridahar TVET College

HomeDeputy Dean

Deputy Dean

Mr.Abdulahi Hassan Farah

College Deputy Dean


Institutional Email:abdulahihassan@kdtvet.edu.et

Deputy Dean vision

Ø To Create Competent, Skilled and Self reliant citizens to contribute to the economic and Social Development of the country, improving the livelihoods of all citizen & sustainable reduction of poverty through providing quality education & trainings.

Argtida (Vision)

  • In kuliyadu bixiso waxbarasho iyo tababaro tayo leh si loo helo muwaadiniin leh karti iyo isku kalsooni kana qayb qaata horumarka bulshada iyo dhaqaalaha dalka islamarkaan sare uqaada hab nololeedka muwaadiniinta, sidoo kale yareeya saboolnimada.

    Deputy Dean Mission

    • To create competent, motivated, adoptable and innovative work force in the country and in the region by facilitating demand driven high quality TVET relevant to all sector of economy at all level and to all people in need of skill development.

      Himilada( mission )

      • Waa in dalka iyo degaankaba loosoo saaro cudud shaqaale oo leh dhiiranaan, laqabsi, wax soosaar (hal abuur ah) islamarkaana karti sareysa leh iyagoo loo sahlayo in ay helaan tababaro, waxbarasho iyo xirfado tayo leh oo ku salaysan baahida dalka iyo deegaanka taasoo ku habboon(xidhiidh la leh) dhammaan qaybaha dhaqaalaha ee heer kastaba iyo dhammaan dadka danaynaya inay kobciyaan (sare uqaadaan) aqoontooda & xirfadahooda

        Objective of Deputy Dean 

        The over all objective of KTVETC is to create competent, adaptable and innovative work force in Somali region as well as in Ethiopia for contributing to poverty reduction and socio-economic development through facilitating demand driven, high quality technician and vocational education and training directly or indirectly to relevant to all sector of the economy at all level and to the people.